Wednesday, 28 July 2010
Saturday, 24 July 2010
APOPHATIC Pareidolia is a condition... Mike Chavez-Dawson (& Co.)
PREVIEW EVENING: FRIDAY, 30 July, 6.30-8.30 pm in association with Deptford Last Fridays, galleries in Deptford open until 8.30 pm, with afterparty at the Old Police Station.
APOPHATIC PEREIDOLIA is a condition… features two new works ‘Hypotyposis’ and ‘The Obvious Manifesto, [The Question Hangs]’ by Mike Chavez-Dawson, both continues the artists interest in creating multi-layered ‘performative’ works that explore the slippage between the artists intention and the audiences perception; via a complex web of narratives, art history & theory, social and psychoanalytical reference points.
Here he’s utilised documentation from two bodies of ‘performative’ works to create a series of laser etchings that sit between drawing, print, sculpture and performance. Chavez-Dawson also continues to reconcile ‘authorship’ boundaries by negotiating and revealing collaborative components to diffuse an individual agency.
Wednesday, 14 July 2010
Visit galleries in Deptford and beyond. A diverse range of art and spaces, behind the scenes snapshots and words from the people who make it all happen.
Meet at BEARSPACE Gallery 152 Deptford High Street. Tours leave on time, please be prompt. Please bring your Paypal receipt with you. Tours conclude at at The Rivington Bar and Grill in Greenwich or Greenwich Station.
Book here:
Tour Price: £15