Jan 29-Feb 26 2011
Wed-Sat 10am-6pm
28 Jan
Gallery open until 8.30 pm
In association with Deptford last Fridays
Closing Party 26 Feb 6.30-8.30pmBEARSPACE features new digital canvas works by Jane Ward. Ward's meticulously constructed works are composed of layer upon layer of digital imagery collaged together then broken down and collaged many times over to present an unseen landscape. The images are printed onto canvas from which the ink is dissolved and manipulated by hand. The residue that remains after the ink is removed leaves behind its trace, which carries within it a sense of loss and the evidence that something was there. The combination of that which is present with that which is not creates a reordering that leads us to question the layering of memory within landscape. The work often depicts fragments of the idealised miniature environment of a model village with images taken of the natural world. The subsequent confusion of scale and fragmentation of imagery plus this partial erasure of the image leads to many questions regarding our perception of the world. For example what constitutes reality and what the imaginary, can it be fixed or is it a state of flux, what is utopian and what dystopian?
Jane Ward graduated from the Royal College of Art, MA Printmaking course in 2007. Her work has featured in Artfutures (2002), Celeste Art Prize (2007) Bloomberg New Contemporaries (2008) and she has been awarded the Terrence Conran Foundation Award and the Tim Mara Prize.